Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

How to Prepare for Tax Season

While tax preparation may not be the most glamorous aspect of personal finance, it is undeniably crucial to ensure a smooth and stress-free financial journey. As we delve into tax season, understanding the intricacies of tax regulations, staying on top of changes, and implementing strategic financial planning will be key to optimizing your returns and minimizing headaches.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

December Market Review

Stocks defied the skeptics in a very unpredictable 2023. The Dow Jones finished at an all-time record high on December 28, and the S&P 500 came within a whisker of a fresh all-time high after the index rallied more than 20% for the year

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

How to Create Smart Financial Goals for the New Year

Setting realistic goals is key to achieving financial success. However, knowing which goals to prioritize and how to reach them can be difficult. Following through with the goals you set, can be even harder. How often have you set a goal with the best of intentions and then found yourself feeling defeated when you don’t quite stick to your plan? If this is you, know that you are not alone. This year, we are taking control of our finances rather than letting our finances control us. How do we do that?

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

November Market Update

Solid gains for both stocks and bonds gave investors a November to remember. As financial markets continue to defy skeptics, I’m reminded of a quote from Warren Buffett’s long-time partner and one of the greatest investors of our time, Charlie Munger, who passed away last week. “The world is full of foolish gamblers, and they will not do as well as the patient investors.” We couldn’t agree more at LPL Research. Patient investors have been rewarded in 2023 and will continue to be.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Last-Minute Tax Deductions to Lower Your Tax Bill for 2023

The end of the year means it is time for festivities and Holiday cheer! It is also time to prepare for a new year and to make sure you didn’t miss any important deductions that could help lower your tax bill for 2023. The clock is ticking but thankfully, we still have time, so read on to learn about the last-minute tax deductions you can still take.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Business Owners

Your year-end tax planning should include a careful assessment of your business's financial health and your individual tax situation. It's not just about how much to contribute but also how these contributions align with your overall financial goals.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

​​Understanding the IRS's 2024 Contribution Limits

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has unveiled the contribution limits for 2024, and there are some significant changes in the world of retirement planning. These adjustments present fresh opportunities for you to enhance your retirement planning and move closer to achieving your financial goals.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

How to Win Black Friday (& Not Break the Bank!)

Black Friday, one of the most anticipated shopping events of the year, brings with it a wealth of opportunities to make savvy purchases. Yet, amidst the rush for deals and discounts, the importance of responsible financial planning should never be overlooked. It’s important to take a strategic approach to Black Friday shopping – a way to secure the best deals without compromising your long-term financial health. Here are something you should consider before Black Friday…

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Retirement Planning Tips from Lead Advisor Sierra Muecke

Retirement planning can be a complex and challenging endeavor, but it's also a crucial one. To help you navigate this financial terrain and ensure your retirement years are as comfortable as possible, Sierra Muecke, our Founder and Lead Financial Advisor, shares her invaluable insights on retirement planning and Social Security benefits. With years of experience guiding clients towards financial security, Sierra's advice provides a clear roadmap for your journey to a worry-free retirement.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Choosing the Right Long-Term Care Insurance

As we journey through life, we all hope for health and happiness. Yet, it's wise to prepare for life's uncertainties, particularly when it comes to the potential need for long-term care. Long-term care insurance can provide that peace of mind and financial security when the need arises. But selecting the right policy can be a complex task. This guide helps you navigate the intricate landscape of long-term care insurance to ensure you make a choice that aligns with your future needs and financial goals.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

October Market Update

The penultimate month of the year is often a time to reflect and offer thanks. And while economic and geopolitical uncertainty can overshadow the positives, there are things to be thankful for. Here is just some of what we’re thankful for, now that we’re in the second to last month of the year.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

AI Tools Changing Retiree Entrepreneurship

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have become a game changer in various industries, and they are also proving incredibly useful for retirees looking to start consulting or a small business venture. These tools can simplify tasks, streamline processes, and help retirees navigate the world of entrepreneurship more efficiently.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

September Market Update

The S&P 500 lost 3.3% in the third quarter after sliding nearly 5% in September. Putting this into perspective, nothing really qualifies as out of the ordinary. Since 1950, the S&P 500 has historically declined in September 55% of the time, posting an average decline of 3.8%. September has certainly lived up to its reputation as being a weak seasonal period for stocks. The main culprits were rising interest rates and government shutdown fears.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Guide to Financial Planning for Newlyweds

Getting married is a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of a shared journey with your partner. Beyond planning the perfect wedding day, it's crucial to lay a solid financial foundation for your future together. Proper financial planning can help ensure a harmonious and secure life as newlyweds. Here's your comprehensive guide to navigating the world of financial planning together:

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Newlywed Financial Checklist

Your wedding day marks the beginning of an exciting journey together as a couple. As you step into this new chapter, it's essential to lay the foundation for a financially secure future. Money matters might not be the most romantic aspect of marriage, but they are undoubtedly among the most important. To help you navigate this financial adventure together, we've put together a newlywed financial checklist. Let's explore how you can build a strong financial foundation for your life together.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Maximizing the Benefits: How Life Insurance Impacts Taxes

Life insurance serves a vital role in financial planning, providing security and peace of mind to individuals and their families. Beyond its primary purpose of safeguarding loved ones in the event of the policyholder's passing, life insurance also plays a significant role in the realm of taxes. Understanding how life insurance impacts taxes can help you make informed decisions when considering your financial strategy.

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Sierra Muecke Sierra Muecke

Why Your Business Needs a Buy/Sell Agreement

In this video, we delve into the crucial topic of buy/sell agreements for small businesses. This tool is often overlooked but holds significant importance in safeguarding the interests of business owners and their partners. Join us as we explore the key reasons why having a well-crafted buy/sell agreement is essential for the long-term success and stability of your small business.

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